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Sunday, 17 October 2004
The Fly in My Eye
Now Playing: Sugarcubes
Ok, I admit it, I'm a lazy bastard. I try not to be, but the overwhelming need to avoid things that irritate or frustrate me often gets the best of me. I hate birthday parties, most especially children's birthday parties. The preparation of needless diversions mixed with the fever-pitch of sugared-up kids strikes at a corner of my psyche that renders me incapable of calm. So, I avoid, preferring to critique the halfassed attempts of wannabe William Goldmans instead of spending the time shepherding children in the stead of my near crippled (so she claims) wife.

But it's over with now. Or is it?

The time between this entry and the previous was filled with the second draft of the Frankenstein adaptation, now called "Victor." I'm currently casting about for the idea fairy. I have plenty of ideas, but all lack the oomph that's needed to carry me through the tragicomic experience of writing a complete narrative. The screenplay is currently in the top ten on, so I've received some validation for the effort, not to mention the (mostly) kind reviews. I plan to send the script to at least one contest in the near future with hopes of at least placing.

Posted by cinemark13 at 9:10 PM MDT
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